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Releases: fedorovvl/tso_client


05 Oct 05:00
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[core] experimental multi windows feature
[core] support new shit from BB
[ui] ingame contextmenu
[ui] chat panel/font size setting
[ui] starmenu rows/cols setting
[other] highlight ball size setting
[other] translations updates
[spec] fix task by type feature
[spec] settings templating feature
[shortcuts] fix template retry load
[battle] show alert when queue finished
[battle] syschat battle info
[buff] not working building by any reason will not buffed when "only active" selected

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.5.6.3...v1.5.6.4

πŸ›‘ VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:


30 May 17:48
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[ui] new datetime format (main settings - datetime format)
[shortcuts] reimport fix, lru fix
[feature] last recently used (LRU) templates menu item
[feature] collections highlight. ubicollect support removed (main settings)
[buff] building level
[core] new timed queue logic
[spec] default task by spec type (spec window - settings icon)
[spec] depleted mines info

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.5.6.2...v1.5.6.3

πŸ›‘ VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:


22 Apr 09:14
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[army] window removed
[battle] includes all army functions
[battle] button icons
[battle] status icons
[spec] mass selection with name filter fixed
[shortcuts] save README file from export data
[shortcuts] new items (description, unload, to star)
[other] zone filter persist option
[other] absolute path support for tsofolder arg
[other] ES discord link

Full Changelog: v1.5.6.1...v1.5.6.2

πŸ›‘ VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:


24 Mar 14:31
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[specduty] allows to open only on home island, playername removed
[spec] quick filter by name
[settings] template last folder resave, buff type based on building status
[shortcuts] menuitem retreat all
[shortcuts] partition renaming
[shortcuts] import/export
[shortcuts] sorting logic
[battle] allows to add generals from star to template
[ui] info icon in window title
[ui] shows loaded template filename in title
[other] various bugfixes

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.5.6.0...v1.5.6.1

πŸ›‘ VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:


17 Mar 15:00
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[core] jQuery UI updated
[core] settings.json converted to plaintext
[ui] tanslation update
[ui] colorpicker for ok/fail/samegrid fields
[settings] name sorting type choice
[army] checked generals on top after reset
[army] load army button fix
[army] free army by category
[feature] battle window
[feature] shortcuts
[feature] hotkeys
[feature] buildings fast access
[other] specduty, spechide, collectibles added to main codebase (pls remove old from scripts)
[other] feedback window

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.5.5.2...v1.5.6.0

πŸ›‘ VirusTotal GitHub Action analysis:


07 Mar 08:03
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[ui] es, pl, de langs updated
[ui] mem usage stats menu item
[army] free army by category
[army] 5 sec delay after load/unload squads
[army] template reload button
[army] template reset keeps checkboxes
[army] squads sorter
[army] army checksum comparer when loading template
[army] required army calculation logic
[spec] don't show hidden spec
use BouncyCastle only on win < 10
--x64 argument to use x64 adobe air runtime instead x86

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.5.5.1...v1.5.5.2


04 Mar 22:26
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update langs
[army] wait server responder
[army] generals sorting
[army] squad sorting
menu donate links
menu discord links
toggle debug menu button


03 Mar 17:23
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new --tsofolder argument
help menu with wiki and discord links
army management window (Specialists/Army or F9)


27 Feb 18:38
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use Fody for embeding libs to avoid false positive virus alerts
added testing server for play =)


27 Feb 14:16
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fix production template loading error
fix specialists level requirement
fastlogin feature
auto upstream check
clientconfig feature
enable/disable userscripts feature
move tso_portable to localappdata instead localappdata/temp
use BouncyCastle to avoid unsupported tls ciphers on windows < 10